How To Garden for Beginers

So, you are planning to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle? When we make such resolutions, the mere thought of being healthy is enough to make us happy. But today the hard reality paints a different picture that we can’t avoid. Nearly everything that we eat is covered in pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and or has been genetically modified. We fail to obtain the results that green vegetables naturally possess.

That is why we want you to leave behind everything that holds you and your family back from having a superior quality of life. How can that happen? It will happen when you grow your very own garden. We will teach you how to garden so that you enjoy vegetables that are organically grown.

Grown in outdoor solar powered hydroponic system.

Today, we want to talk about how to garden because it is crucial for our well-being.

Why should you pick up gardening?

We will talk about ‘how to garden’ in a minute but first let us discuss why you should choose the organic path. The immense use of pesticides, insecticides, and chemical fertilizers kills the necessary microbes and living organisms needed to maintain a healthy soil. Not to mention the kind of impact it has on the vegetation and our water bodies. Organic vegetation will protect our health, maintain a sustainable environment, and help every living organism flourish.

Primary steps on how to garden –

Before you plan your garden, you have to know a few things about gardening. When you plan your garden the right way, you will have a bountiful growth of vegetation.

● The first step of how to garden is based on planning of what you want to grow. Flowers might increase the beauty of the place, but it is the vegetables, fruits, and herbs that your family is in need of. Today, we will talk about how you can grow kale, lettuce, and chard and give detail information of how to grow lettuce on your own.

● Understand the importance of light. You have to be aware of those areas in your house where there is enough sunlight. The type of crop that you will grow will depend on how much sunlight the crop needs. Some plants will require direct sunlight for eight whole hours. Others might need shade or partial sunlight.

● Paying attention to the soil is the next step of learning how to garden successfully. You have to make sure that your soil is in very healthy condition.

● Which plants should find a place in your garden? Now, the options that you have here are plenty. But it will still depend on the place you live in, the kind of soil you possess, and what kind of benefits you want from your plants.

These are the primary steps of how to garden. When you have taken care of all of this, then you have to pay attention to the garden design. Now, it totally depends on how you want to grow your garden. You can do very little about it or pay a lot of attention to the details.

Time to grow a greens garden.

Gardens are all about the colors that green plants bring. They have the potential to produce a series of fresh vegetables that will help to maintain your health. Don’t you want to enjoy the crispy and colorful goodness of lettuce in your everyday salads? What about the benefits of kale and chard that you can’t miss out on. Start by growing kale seeds and lettuce seeds in the early months of spring; chard seeds can be grown during summer, as it can resist the heat. You can then proceed to grow some more kale seeds and lettuce seeds for the fall.

The leafy green vegetables are shallow-rooted plants, which means they don’t need soil that is extremely rich in nutrients. However, they will require a lot of water and adequate sunlight.

What should you do while growing a lettuce garden?

Every salad is incomplete without the goodness of lettuce in it. That is why it is important to learn how to grow lettuce, the scientific name is Lactuca sativa. They add an array of colors and are of different types. The iceberg lettuce is, however, an exception because they are slow. You can grow lettuce in contact that receives natural sunlight. Once you have snipped off the young leaves for consumption, you can place this plant in the garden for it to re-grow during the spring.

After talking about the initial steps of learning how to garden, it is time to concentrate on the requirements of growing a lettuce garden. Lettuce seeds are used in the growth of a nutritious vegetable that is a crucial part of sandwiches and salads. Lettuce plant is a common choice for home gardens and is an extremely popular crop. Follow this step by step guide, and you will have a lettuce garden of your own.

The indoor preparation and Temperature requirements for Lettuce –

Lettuce comes in a lot of varieties. This includes butter-head, romaine, and iceberg. They are easy to grow except for the iceberg lettuce whose growth depends on a lot of conditions. If you want to get a head start, then start by sowing your lettuce seeds indoors. It is a fact that lettuce plants like the cold conditions, but they will die in extreme conditions. An ideal temperature for lettuce seeds is somewhere between 15° – 20° C (60-68° F).

Use a seed tray that is filled with potting seed plugs and sow the seeds. The seeds should be put ¼” deep into the soil and sow the seeds apart maintaining 2″ distance and rows 12–18″ distance. Continue watering the soil to keep it moist, but it should be free from sogginess.

Time to take the lettuce seeds outside –

If you see the soil is free from frost, then sow the lettuce seeds directly into the soil. Keep in mind that the spot you have selected has partial shade. Lettuce plants don’t thrive under the direct rays of the sun. A soil that is brimming with nutritional properties will help the lettuce plants to grow faster and better. Prepare the soil for sowing the letting seeds. Use a shovel to loosen the soil. You can even use a spade for this purpose. Reach as much as 12″ deep. Now place a generous amount of compost. Go ahead and mix the mature compost with the soil. Give the soup a few more days to settle in before you can sow the seeds. You have to sprinkle the seeds on the soil. Don’t forget to cover it with compost. A very thin layer of it will do the trick.

Wait for the seedlings –

If everything goes accordingly and the lettuce seeds receive appropriate moisture and temperature, then they will start to appear in a matter of two weeks. In case you were growing the lettuce seeds indoor then wait for it to grow up to 3″ tall. Take the entire seed tray outdoors but make sure you keep them in a sheltered area for a couple of days. This doesn’t cause any transplant shock to the plants. The type of lettuce will determine the kind of space there should be. Head lettuce needs 12″ space whereas butterhead and leaf lettuce will require 8″ and 5″ of space, respectively.

However, if you planted your seeds outdoors then thin them out. Pull out the plants that look weak and leave some space between them.

How to maintain and take care of them?

Lettuce plants require an adequate amount of water. The best way to water the letting plants is by providing small quantities of water to the plants. Avoid too little or too much water. You must also feed them at regular intervals with mild and organic fertilizers.

Watch out for pest infestation or disease. Slugs attack lettuce plants, but they can be kept at bay with the use of insecticidal soap. Lettuce plants take 9 weeks to be ready for harvesting. If you wish to avoid the bitter taste of lettuce, then don’t let them overripe. If you don’t consume the harvested lettuce right away, then store it in your refrigerator. Place them inside a plastic bag that is lined up with paper towels. Enjoy the taste of fresh lettuce on a daily basis.

Other Essential Information to grow Lettuce:

• Transplants: Avg. 20,000 plants/oz.

• Average Direct Seeding Rate:130,000 pellets per acre with 6 pellets per foot in rows 24″ apart or 6,000 pellets per 1,000-foot row.

• Pellet Storage: Pelleted seeds which are purchased within a year to be used. Pelleted seeds are good; however, it shortens the life of the lettuce seeds. Make sure to protect them from humidity and heat and store them in a dry and dark place. While storing in a refrigerator, store them in an air tight container to maintain the humidity level.

• Pellet Size: 13.0.

• Seed specifications: Pellets/oz.: Avg. 1,100.

• Packet: 250 seeds/packet; sows 41′ at 6 pellets/ft.

Here are some quick tips on how to grow chard seeds, and kale seeds –

Chard seeds:
Swiss chard belongs to the beet family. They are excellent plants. Their health benefits are really good and also, they are considered for their ability to grow in warm and cool temperatures. These plants are rich in Vitamins A and C. Make sure you plant the Swiss chard seeds at least 3 weeks before the frost. Then, proceed planting the seeds at an interval of ten days.

If you want a fall harvest, then before the first fall hits the ground plant the seeds at least 40 days before. How to grow Swiss chard won’t be bothering you anymore.

You will have to plant the seeds ½” deep into the soil. Keep in mind that you need light, well-drained, and rich soil. You can sow 10 seeds in a row with 10″ gap. You have to water these plants evenly throughout the summer. Mulch is an important way to conserve the moisture in the plants.

Start harvesting only when the plants are 6 – 8″ tall. Once you cut the outer leaves, new plants will start to grow.

Kale seeds:
Rich in minerals and vitamins is another leafy green vegetable that you should grow in your backyard. It is none other than Kale. This plant grows at all times. From summer to spring. Plant your kale seeds during summer, and you can harvest it during the winter. Light soil that is well drained is perfect for this plant. Place them ½” deep inside the soil. At the end of two weeks, you should thin the seedlings so that they are 12″ apart.

Once the weather changes, you should use heavy mulch to maintain the production of the plants. Kale will be ready to harvest once the leaves are of the size of your hand. Don’t pick out the terminal bud. A fistful leaves per harvest will be enough. To enjoy a balanced diet, you must learn how to garden and specifically how to grow kale.

General care for your greens –

The green leafy vegetables are generally cool weather crop. They require continuous moisture to thrive during cold nights and cool days where sunlight is limited. You must learn about how plants will react to the conditions prevalent in the region you live. Greens are easy to grow, but they are subjected to a lot of threat. Weeds, pests, and lack of water can slow their growth. You must have organic repellents ready to deal with such problems. Late summer days means you have to water the plants well.

Like every living organism, plants also require a lot of care and attention to grow. Every seed packet comes with a list of instructions for you to follow. Once you have taken care of your soil and made up your mind about the type of gardening that is suitable for you, proceed with planting. There are plants which will require sunlight to germinate.

The basic tools that you will need –

Learning how to garden is incomplete without the tools. When you have the right tools, then working in your garden will transform into a pleasure and feel less of a chore. Using your kitchen knives to chop off harvest, is a huge mistake. Flimsy and dull tools are required for doing better work in your garden. Some of the basic gardening tools that you should have are –

● Hand tools
● Garden hoe
● Leaf rake
● Dirt rake
● Garden shovel

It is better to avoid cheap plastic tools. You can visit local gardens or nurseries to understand the kind of tools you need.

Growing your vegetables is a wonderful way of reducing the amount of pesticides that are used on the soil. It gives you a chance to be healthy. It works wonders on your skin and overall physical appearance as well. The advantages of growing your crops are great on your pocket as well. Follow this article to learn ‘how to garden’.